Workshop Calendar

Workshop Policies & FAQs


Affordability & Accessibility

We believe in crafting for everyone, and aim to price our public workshops & art supplies in a way that makes art education affordable & accessible to all.

The workshop space & restroom are ADA accessible, and we are happy to adjust lighting & music to meet auditory or sensory needs. For any other needs or questions on accessibility, please reach out to us directly.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation for a refund is possible up to two weeks prior to the workshop date. Beyond this period, workshops become non-refundable. If you wish to receive a credit for a future workshop, you must make the request at least seven days before the workshop date. If you are unable to attend, you always have the option of transferring your spot to another person—feel free to contact us with any questions about that process!

Additional Workshop Policies

Please note that we may take photos during the workshop to use on social media or for promotional purposes. If you'd prefer not to be photographed, please let the teacher know when you arrive.

We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule workshops as needed - such as a teacher falling under the weather or a class which does not meet minimum sign up requirements. If a class is cancelled, you will receive a full refund; if a class is rescheduled, you will be given the option of transferring your registration or receiving a refund for the original date.

Arrival at the Studio

Please aim to arrive 5-10 minutes prior to the workshop start time so that we can get started promptly.

We have a parking lot at to our studio that you are free to use upon arrival - there is also free street parking available if you'd prefer to stop by one of the neighborhood's restaurants or other art spaces beforehand.

We encourage you to walk or bicycle to us along the LA River Trail as well - simply exit the trail on Knox street and you'll find us on your right.

Frogtown has many wonderful coffee shops, restaurants, and wine bars that cater to all dietary requirements. Within a five minute walk of our studio, you'll find our friends at Just What I Kneaded, Justine's Wine Bar, Spoke Bicycle Cafe, Lingua Franca, and La Colombe. Please feel free to bring in pastries or the drinks of your choosing to enjoy during the workshop. We always have coffee, water, & herbal tea available as well - just ask us!

Health & Wellness

If you are experiencing any Covid-like symptoms or have been exposed to someone with Covid, please stay home and call or email to let us know that you are not coming. If you reach out to us prior to the start of the workshop, you will receive a credit for a future class. As we're working in a well-ventilated studio space, masks are optional, but always welcomed, and K95 masks are available to students upon request.